I typically don't share all of the details from our personal lives, but this weekend was such a nice weekend that I wanted to do a recap.
We were expecting family on Saturday but due to our nephew getting a nasty bug, our visit was cancelled. We face timed on Sunday morning instead so the cousins could see each other :)
I had a three day weekend which is always nice. Friday morning Max became Picasso and made this masterpiece for the playroom gallery wall. We used dots a paint and covered the canvas with saran wrap for him to squish.
In the early afternoon
Max and I had a long overdue play date with my friend and her adooorable
sweet baby girl, and then we took our pup Charlie for his annual check
Saturday morning we went to parent and tot swim. It was daddy's turn this week and they had so much fun. We then stopped by the farmer's market for some fruit and veggies, and from there we headed to a family birthday party where one of my husband's cousin's children turned one! The theme was rainbow and it was adorable :) You all know I love a good theme ;)
Saturday afternoon hubs headed to work, and Max and I headed to a friend's for the afternoon. Max climbed a small plastic outdoor jungle gym and went down the slide by himself a gazillion times while I sat on the patio. It was hilarious to watch him do it all by himself. He flew down the slide, and loved it.
Sunday morning Max, Charlie and I went for an early morning wagon walk. That is by far my favourite time of the day to go for a walk with the boys.. when it is quiet out and there is a slight breeze. By the end of the walk I was carrying a pinwheel, plastic shovel, one croc and the dog's leash in one hand and the handle of the wagon in the other. This was due to thes items going airborne constantly out of the wagon. I think we back tracked about five times to pick up overboard items that I did not initially see. Ugh.
In the afternoon Max and daddy played outside while I went to see Pitch Perfect 2 with a few of my girlfriends, including a friend who is expecting her first baby in September and is making carrying a baby look fabulous. The movie was too funny, and I definitely recommend it!
I hope everyone had as nice of weekend as we did :) Now back to the grind. Boo.
~ K